I hate scammers and hackers! who are not? everyone hates them! some players said if they can only grab scammers and hackers from their chair inside WYD world they will feed them to Kephra, tie and throw them on front of Lich, make them an arrow for their ISIS and make them a Fauness Shoe for GM Uzume giant Fauness(that will be an. . . AWWWW!) and many more torturing thoughts they want to do to scammers and hackers, that's how WYDians really hates scammers and hackers. Lets talk about what are they doing or how they do for them to scammed or hack players, I have made a survey, I interviewed some of WYDians who did encountered scammers/hackers and who did experienced to be scammed and hack so I have listed the information i have heard from them.
- Scammers selling items using Autotrade they usually sell same items on all the slots like quest tickets etc. they are putting a price that is looks all the same but some items are exceeds in number that hard to recognize specially when you are in a hurry. .take a look at this picture
2. Scammers are impersonating players and most players they impersonate are those who are well-known ed players (Strong Celestial/God/Mortal, Academy Operators and Guild Chief) but not only players they also impersonate GM's, these kind of scamming and hacking strategy usually occurred during events(Battle of Noobs(BON), Games of the General(GOG) etc), Academy and Advance Academy shift, Guild War(GW) and Kingdom War(KW), what I meant to tell to you is this kind of scamming and hacking method occurred when Players are busy talking to each other, when a lot of players are spamming that will be the perfect timing for them! Someone will PM you who have a name that is almost the same name of your Guild Chief, Operators, your friend, well-known ed players also known as Celebrity on WYD world and the GM's, they will talk with you and make a little chit chat but they are not talking using normal chat all are personal messaging with their victims and then after wards they will ask to barrow an items, gold etc. from you and they will trade you! ! The GM's impersonator will ask your account and password to HACK YOUR ACCOUNT!!! does these happen? yes it does! ! these info came from our fellow WYDians^^ take a look at this picture. .

look at this newbie, this guy use civil shout saying he needs help and asking for some items this happened during my shift, I saw the civil shout and look for this guy I know he is near because my spot is near at galford so I easily found him because I know he will trade some of my fellow academy members. .Then after I found him he logged out LOL!!
3. Another Scamming and Hacking strategy that I have heard is like this way. .A Scammer/Hacker will look for a victim who is a rich one means to say those who have a good stuff, they will make you their friend yes they will! ! they will stalk and will chit chat you everyday until they gain your trust, sometimes they will let you barrow their items and take note not all scammers/hackers are poor but a lot of these guys are so rich and have good stuff, again they will let you barrow some of their stuff, they will give you some usable items sometimes premium items, they will be your adviser, they will add you in MSN,SKYPE,HOTMAIL,YAHOO,FACEBOOK etc. until you will make them one of your "BEST FRIEND" they will do a lot of effort just to gain your trust! ! trust that will make you to share your account with them and if that happened? THEN YOUR DONE ! ! !
OK now we some of their strategy on scamming and hacking players lets now talk about on how to counter it or how to avoid to be scammed or hacked, here is some tips that I have gathered from our fellow WYDians^^
- Yes that is the best way to do for you to be not scammed or hacked, do not share your account to anyone even to your brother or sister or to your best friend, am I saying that don't trust anyone? well I guess I am, it's for you to will not have any problems about your account or stuff on future. .It' all up to you buddy better be wise^^
- When you are buying something from autotrade take a very good look at the price of the item you will gonna buy compare the price to other or ask to someone who knows the market price of the item and don't do it fast buy slowly but surely if you are going to buy many.
- When you will gonna buy from a person using trade verify the item and the amount of it take screen shot of your conversation and of your trading as well, some said that get a third party like an Operators or Chief who have a good image and trust-able just don't forget to take screen shot every trade so if problem occur you will have a proof to submit to GM's
- Do not give info about yourself like giving MSN,YAHOO,FB etc. to players that you don't know much it might be their way to send hacking files to your mail to see your account and password when you log in game.
- Changed locked pin at least twice a month or once a week.
- Don't put all your stuff on one account only make sub accounts for it to be your inventory.
- Always update your mail address that you use to your main account for you to use it in some cases that WYD admin will ask for it.
- Ops/Chiefs who were proven sharing their accounts to other players will be kicked or terminated immediately without any warning and will not receive compensation.
- Ops/Chiefs who will get involved in any hack/scam case will be terminated and will not receive any compensation.